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Hantek6004BC Series


The performance of this model could even better than the performance of benchtop oscilloscope. It has 4 analog channels, 1GSa/s real-time sampling rate, 2mV-10V/DIV input sensitivity, and 250MHz bandwidth. It is powered by USB2.0 Interface, plug and play device with small size which is easy for carrying. High cost performance, pass/fail test, resourceful trigger function, dynamic cursor tracking, waveform record and replay function.


  • The performance of this model could even better than the performance of benchtop oscilloscope. It has 4 analog channels, 1GSa/s real-time sampling rate, 2mV-10V/DIV input sensitivity, and 250MHz bandwidth.
  • Pass/fail test, resourceful trigger function, dynamic cursor tracking, waveform record and replay function. The operation interface is similar to banchtop oscilloscope, easy to operate with high cost performance.
  • USB2.0 Interface, plug and play device.
  • Good mechanical design with small size which is easy for carrying. The outer case is made by the same material with iPad – Anodised aluminium. It has great heat resistance and abrasive resistance with beautiful appearance. The hardness of aluminium alloy surface is greatly improved.
  • Fit for the portable computers, table PC, and repairing/fixing of production line. Suitable for business trip use.
  • Software support: Windows10, Windows 8, Windows 7
  • The waveform data could be output to EXCEL,BMP,JPG as time and voltage category.
  • More than 20 kinds of automatic measurement function, PASS/FAIL Check function, fit for engineering application.
  • Serial bus triggering and decode,  Bus protocol information can be quickly and intuitively displayed in table form.
  • Waveform averaging, afterglow, lightness control, reverse, add, subtract, multiply, divide, X-Y display.
  • FFT spectrum analyzer
  • One computer could connect with multiple oscilloscopes, expand the channel number easily.
  • Provide secondary development library DLL; Provide Labview\VB\VC developing examples.

Hantek6074BC, Hantek6104BC, Hantek6204BC, Hantek6254BC


Model Hantek6074BC/Hantek6104BC/Hantek6204BC/Hantek6254BC
Bandwidth 70MHz/100MHz/200MHz/250MHz
Channel 4 CH
Real-time Sampling Rate 1GSa/s
Memory Depth 64K
Time Base Precision ±50ppm
Time Base Range 2ns/div-1000s/div (1-2-4 sequences)
Input Impedance 1MΩ 25pF
Input Sensitivity 2mV/div~10V/div
Vertical Resolution 8Bit
Vertical Displacement Range 2mV ~ 10V/div @ x1 probe; 20mV ~ 100V/div @ x10 probe;
200mV ~ 1000V/div @ x100 probe; 2V ~ 10000V/div @ x1000 probe
DC Gain Accuracy ±3%
Bandwidth Limit 20MHz
Trigger Mode Edge, Pulse, Video, Alternative
Trigger Source CH1, CH2, CH3,CH4
Waveform Signal Process +,-,x,÷,FFT, Invert
Cursors Measurement Cross, Trace, Horizontal, Vertical
Auto Measurement Vpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vmid, Vbase, Vavg, Vrms, Vcrms, Preshoot, Overshoot, Frequency, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative Width, Duty Cycle
Volume 175mm * 105mm * 25mm
Weight 0.9KG
Accessory 2 passive probes, 2 gator clip lines


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